Build a Grafana dashboard to visualize data using Ansible and Podman

José Vicente Núñez
9 min readFeb 22, 2023

If you live or work in New York and running is your hobby, you may have run one of the New York Road Running (NYRR) races. Even if you’re not a runner, you might have heard about its most famous race, the New York City Marathon. The NYRR website says:

Our history is rich because we run with passion. It all started with a local running club of just 40 people, but over the past 60+ years, committed runners have joined us in droves. Time, commitment, and our never-ending mission to help and inspire people through running have made us the world’s premier community running organization.

NYRR has one of the largest databases of races for many distances, from 5Ks to marathons. Over the years, I’ve run many NYRR races, and I was curious about my running history. I downloaded a complete list of my race results into Excel format, massaged it a bit, and then asked more questions. I’ll use my race results as the dataset for this tutorial, but you can use these instructions to create a Grafana dashboard to visualize another dataset of your choice.

This tutorial shows how to:

  • Set up a Podman container that provides access to your data in CSV format.
  • Set up a CSV data source in Grafana.
  • Create a dashboard that shows multiple views of the same data, including annotations.


Before you can start visualizing your data, you need:

  • Permission to install software as root on a Linux distribution (I use Fedora; feel free to run any Linux distro that you like)
  • Python 3, which is installed with most Linux distributions
  • Ansible, which I’ll show you how to install
  • Podman, and I will show you how to install it
  • Grafana, preferably running in a container (but a bare-metal installation also works), with the ability to install plugins such as the CSV plugin
  • Curiosity, the most crucial requirement

First, install Ansible (if it is not there) to get started. In Fedora, you can install Ansible using DNF:

$ sudo dnf -y install ansible

Consult the Ansible installation instructions for other distributions.

Add the extra tools for Ansible, including Podman support:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman

Prepare the data file

After I downloaded my race data in Excel format, I had to edit the race-date format before exporting the resulting file to CSV.Here’s my running results page:

The resulting CSV looks like this:

Event Name,Event Date,Distance,Finish Time,Pace,Gun Time,Overall Place,Gender Place,Age-Group Place,Age-Graded Time,Age-Graded Place,Age-Graded Percent 2018 NYRR Virtual GOOAAALLL 5K,07/15/2018,5 km,0:24:06,07:46,0:24:06,516,469,59,0:22:02,375,58.97 2018 NYRR Virtual Global Running Day 1M,06/10/2018,1 mile,0:06:31,06:31,0:06:31,203,182,23,0:05:56,138,62.57 2016 Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K,11/05/2016,5 km,0:23:27,07:33,0:29:40,1055,819,94,0:21:44,723,59.76 ING New York City Marathon 2013,11/03/2013,Marathon,4:27:18,10:12,4:29:56,27160,19238,4046,4:19:57,21389,47.30

This CSV is straightforward, with no need for further transformations.

The next step is to make this CSV file available over HTTP, so Grafana can use it. You will use a Podman container for that.

Install the proper tools

Next, write an Ansible playbook with the suggested structure for putting files, templates, and instructions to get everything installed and started in the proper order.

The resulting Ansible playbook fragment (of nyrr_podman_provisioning.yaml) shows how to ensure Podman is present before all the other tasks are run.

- name: Tasks to get a NYRR race dashboards up and running hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Toolchain preparation block: - name: Install Podman ansible.builtin.dnf: name: podman state: installed become: true tags: toolchain

Run the playbook to install Podman:

ansible-playbook --tags toolchain roles/races/nyrr_podman_provisioning.yaml

Create the web application

You need a web app to display the CSV results over HTTP. The application is relatively simple:

  • Serve a static file over HTTP; the Python 3.11 slim image will work well.
  • Drop the race results CSV file into a directory on your machine (my directory is ~/fitness), and the web server will pick it up. You can use my nyrr_org_results.csv sample file to get started.
  • To visualize the results, you will use containerized Grafana with a few preinstalled plugins.

Chicken-and-egg problem with the Grafana container

There is a classic “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” problem here because:

  1. You need a Grafana instance running to set up a data source and implement the dashboard, but you want to be able to restore your Grafana instance quickly, most likely on a more powerful server.
  2. You could create a data source first, then spin up a Grafana container and implement the dashboard. But that is not how things are done in reality.

You can see that Ansible is not necessary for the test Grafana instance, but some automation is desired (for things like installing custom plugins).

I run my home_fitness web server and the Grafana containers from the same location. I mount the CSV from the home directory, so I need to pass a special SELinux flag so that the container can use the mounted file.

$ podman run --name nyrr_server --publish 8080:8080 --security-opt label=disable --volume /home/josevnz/fitness/nyrr_org_results.csv:/mnt/nyrr_org_results.csv:ro --restart=always --detach --workdir /mnt python:3.11-slim python3 -m http.server 8080 1c0c23ad9240c8b606bb1c9e8d585b89e1b7718d15c81088f25533f34c3b03b6

Then using a tool like curl, you can try downloading the processed copy of your data. In my example, it is the NYRR race results:

$ curl --fail --verbose --silent --url http://localhost:8080/nyrr_org_results.csv * Trying * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /nyrr_org_results.csv HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.85.0 > Accept: */* > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body < HTTP/1.0 200 OK < Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.11.1 < Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2023 02:30:45 GMT < Content-type: text/csv < Content-Length: 1775 < Last-Modified: Thu, 02 Feb 2023 01:16:26 GMT < Event Name,Event Date,Distance,Finish Time,Pace,Gun Time,Overall Place,Gender Place,Age-Group Place,Age-Graded Time,Age-Graded Place,Age-Graded Percent 2018 NYRR Virtual GOOAAALLL 5K,07/15/2018,5 km,0:24:06,07:46,0:24:06,516,469,59,0:22:02,375,58.97 2018 NYRR Virtual Global Running Day 1M,06/10/2018,1 mile,0:06:31,06:31,0:06:31,203,182,23,0:05:56,138,62.57 2016 Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K,11/05/2016,5 km,0:23:27,07:33,0:29:40,1055,819,94,0:21:44,723,59.76 ING New York City Marathon 2013,11/03/2013,Marathon,4:27:18,10:12,4:29:56,27160,19238,4046,4:19:57,21389,47.30 NYC Half 2013,03/17/2013,Half-Marathon,1:42:31,07:50,1:50:39,2322,1760,277,1:39:42,1989,58.56 Grete's Great Gallop in Support of AKTIV Foundation,10/14/2012,Half-Marathon,1:48:34,08:17,1:51:27,1508,1154,237,1:45:02,1267,56.00 NYRR Fifth Avenue Mile Presented by Nissan,09/22/2012,1 mile,0:05:59,05:59,9:59:48,1241,1116,204,0:05:42,1116,65.19 Fitness Games Men,09/15/2012,4 miles,0:29:07,07:17,0:29:55,480,480,97,0:27:43,535,61.00 Percy Sutton Harlem 5K Run,08/25/2012,5 km,0:23:50,07:41,0:25:10,975,771,130,0:22:42,803,57.00 Achilles Hope & Possibility,06/24/2012,5 miles,0:38:38,07:44,0:39:05,386,326,75,0:37:18,409,57.17 Celebrate Israel,06/03/2012,4 miles,0:30:04,07:31,0:31:52,856,748,143,0:28:38,829,59.00 UAE Healthy Kidney 10K,05/12/2012,10 km,0:49:15,07:56,0:51:29,1886,1567,308,0:47:49,1728,55.89 New York Colon Cancer Challenge 15K,04/01/2012,15 km,1:12:47,07:49,1:13:13,651,544,118,1:09:53,594,59.00 NYRR Gridiron Classic,02/05/2012,4 miles,0:30:28,07:37,0:33:45,1173,960,174,0:29:15,1099,57.80 Joe Kleinerman 10K,01/07/2012,10 km,0:55:05,08:52,0:59:35,2423,1708,316,0:52:51,1850,51.00 NYRR Dash to the Finish Line (5K),11/05/2011,5 km,0:23:36,07:36,0:25:32,593,471,90,0:22:40,562,57.28 * Closing connection 0

Here is a simpler way, which you will use for the container self health check:

$ python3 -c 'import urllib.request; import sys; urllib.request.urlopen("http://localhost:8080/nyrr_org_results.csv").readlines(); sys.exit(0)' && echo "SUCCESS"|| echo "FAILURE"

You will do something similar to spin up a throwaway Grafana instance for development.

Create a throwaway Grafana instance

Create another container, this time for Grafana:

$ podman run --rm --detach --publish 3000:3000 --name=grafana_test --env "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=marcusolsson-csv-datasource,marcusolsson-json-datasource" grafana/grafana-oss:latest porman logs --follow grafana_test

The container can be customized further to include required plugins and persistent volumes. The installation data will be preserved when you restart it.

It’s time to visualize the race results.

Create and provision the data source and dashboard

Once the instance is up, you can log in the first time with the user admin and password admin. Then, add a CSV data source (example shown below):

You design the dashboard interactively. Keep designing until you end up with something you like.

Here are the steps for my race results, but your example will be specific to your dataset:

  1. Show a time series with the age-graded percentile (best, worst).
  2. Display a table showing overall race results with the ability to filter them.

A detailed tutorial on how to create and best practices for dashboards is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but this image displays the results:

To treat this as code, export the dashboard definition as JSON and save it to a file:

To provision it as code, tell Grafana where it can get the dashboards ( default.yaml):

apiVersion: 1 providers: - name: Jose dashboards providers type: file updateIntervalSeconds: 10 options: path: /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards foldersFromFilesStructure: true

The dashboard you exported earlier (for example, NYRR-1675298041762.json) will also be copied to the correct directory.

Next, take care of the data source. You can define the data source as a YAML file on a particular directory ( nyrr_race_results_datasouce):

apiVersion: 1 datasources: - name: DS_NYRR.ORG_RESULTS type: marcusolsson-csv-datasource uid: "{{ datasource_id }}" url: "http://{{ nyrr_service_host }}:8080/{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}" editable: true jsonData: storage: http

You can use Jinja expressions to refine the data source’s behavior, like passing overrides to the plugin. Do it with a special csv.yaml plugin file:

--- apiVersion: 1 apps: - type: marcusolsson-csv-datasource org_id: 1 disabled: false jsonData: allow_local_mode: true

All these artifacts are deployed on an external volume mounted by the Grafana container.

To recap, my example now has:

  1. A web server to provide the race results over HTTP.
  2. A CSV data source that can ingest the CSV file.
  3. A dashboard to display the results.

Your content should consist of similar resources specific to your data.

It’s time to provision all the pieces using Ansible.

Launch the containers from Ansible

Ansible offers support for Podman, so you can augment the previous playbook with extra instructions.

In the end, my nyrr_podman_provisioning.yaml looks like this:

--- - name: Tasks to get a NYRR race dashboards up and running hosts: localhost vars: race_results_dir: /home/josevnz/raceresults # Update this path grafana_data_dir: /home/josevnz/grafana_raceresults_data # Update this path nyrr_race_results_file: nyrr_org_results.csv datasource_id: 948e72a8-a6cc-11ed-a1ef-1c8341284421 # uuidgen --time nyrr_service_host: dmaf5.home # Replace with your host name nyrr_service_port: 8080 nyrr_service_tag: 3.11-slim grafana_plugins: marcusolsson-csv-datasource,marcusolsson-json-datasource grafana_service_port: 3000 tasks: - name: Toolchain preparation tags: toolchain ansible.builtin.dnf: name: podman state: installed become: true - name: Provision data services tags: data_services block: - name: Copy NYRR race results to {{ race_results_dir }} tags: copy_service_files ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ race_results_dir }}/" src: "{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}" directory_mode: a+xr mode: a+r,u+w - name: Python3 image tags: pull_service_image containers.podman.podman_image: name: python tag: "{{ nyrr_service_tag }}" - name: Launch containers required to see the race results tags: launch_nyrr_data containers.podman.podman_container: init: true name: "nyrr_server" image: "python:{{ nyrr_service_tag }}" command: "python3 -m http.server {{ nyrr_service_port }}" state: started security_opt: label=disable restart_policy: "always" detach: true workdir: /mnt rm: false ports: - "{{ nyrr_service_port }}:{{ nyrr_service_port }}" expose: - "{{ nyrr_service_port }}" volumes: - "{{ race_results_dir }}/{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}:/mnt/{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}:ro" healthcheck: "python3 -c 'import urllib.request; import sys; urllib.request.urlopen(\"http://localhost:{{ nyrr_service_port }}/{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}\").readlines(); sys.exit(0)'" healthcheck_retries: 3 healthcheck_start_period: "10s" - name: Provision visualization services tags: visualization_services block: - name: Copy Grafana artifacts to final location tags: copy_visualization_files ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ race_results_dir }}/" src: "{{ nyrr_race_results_file }}" directory_mode: a+xr mode: a+r,u+w - name: Grafana image tags: pull_service_image containers.podman.podman_image: name: "grafana/grafana-oss" tag: "latest" - name: Provisioning directories {{ grafana_data_dir }} tags: grafana_provision_dirs ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ grafana_data_dir }}/provisioning/{{ item }}" mode: "ugo+xr,u+w" state: "directory" recurse: true loop: - access-control - alerting - dashboards/racing - datasources - notifiers - plugins - name: Launch Grafana container tags: launch_grafana containers.podman.podman_container: init: true name: "grafana_races" image: "grafana/grafana-oss:latest" state: started security_opt: label=disable restart_policy: "always" detach: true rm: false env: GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS: "{{ grafana_plugins }}" ports: - "{{ grafana_service_port }}:{{ grafana_service_port }}" expose: - "{{ grafana_service_port }}" volumes: - "{{ grafana_data_dir }}/provisioning:/etc/grafana/provisioning:rw" - name: Deploy files to provision directories tags: files_grafana ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ grafana_data_dir }}/{{ item | replace('files/grafana/', '') }}" src: "{{ item }}" mode: a+r,u+w loop: - files/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/racing/NYRR-1675298041762.json - name: Deploy templates to provision directories tags: templates_grafana ansible.builtin.template: dest: "{{ grafana_data_dir }}/{{ item | replace('templates/grafana/', '') | replace('.j2', '') }}" src: "{{ item }}" mode: a+r,u+w loop: - templates/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/default.yaml.j2 - templates/grafana/provisioning/datasources/nyrr_race_results_datasource.yaml.j2 - templates/grafana/provisioning/plugins/csv.yaml.j2

You’ll need to change some paths for this to work in your environment.

Run the Ansible playbook

Below is a capture of how the entire provisioning process looks on my computer, plus a quick inspection of the two running containers:

Race results dashboard in action

View the video of my freshly created Grafana instance.

Wrapping up

There are other visualization tools out there. I like Grafana because it is open source, the workflow is easy to understand, and the results are clear. Feel free to try anything else with your data.

You don’t need a database to manage your data. You can use a simple CSV or JSON file, but you can always make your data store more sophisticated.

The Grafana ecosystem has other tools to help you manage your data sources as code, allowing you to automate even more of your process. In particular, I like grafyaml as it is well-documented and mature.

If you need to perform more complex tasks while provisioning your Grafana instances with Ansible, explore the Ansible Grafana project. It uses the Grafana REST API to perform complex provisioning tasks more easily (keep in mind the project seems stale).

Finally, support your local non-profit racing club. For example, NYRR promotes youth running and has helped to build community relationships with people all over the world. If you like running, please consider participating in its organized races, donating, or volunteering.

Originally published at on February 22, 2023.



José Vicente Núñez

🇻🇪 🇺🇸, proud dad and husband, DevOps and sysadmin, recreational runner and geek.